Question of the Week: Technology Made Microchips Smaller – Are Bizjets Next?

With NBAA’s annual convention wrapping up, there’s no denying that very light jets are the hottest segment of business aviation growth. With this in mind, many say it’s only a matter of time before the big jet makers start offering scaled-back aircraft for the VLJ and mid-size markets. Is it inevitable that Airbus and Boeing will enter the small- and medium-sized business jet market? Tell us what you think. Plus: Do AVweb readers consider a pilot’s license an indispensible element of “the right stuff” for NASA trainees?


Last week, we asked whether aviation experience should be such a big factor in becoming a NASA astronaut.

Our question sparked acouple of e-mails about the NASA qualifications, but it also taught us that most AVweb readers think brains and ability rank higher than a pilot's license when it comes to landing every 7-year-old's dream job.

For the actual breakdown of responses,click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer, if you haven't already participated in this poll.)


With NBAA's annual convention wrapping up, there's no denying that very light jets are the hottest segment of business aviation growth. With this in mind, many say it's only a matter of time before the big jet makers start offering scaled-back aircraft for the VLJ and mid-size markets.

Is it inevitable that Airbus and Boeing will enter the small- and medium-sized business jet market?

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