Short Final

Departing north from Moorabbin (YMMB) on a warm summer’s day, in a very tired rental Arrow, I was cleared to climb in class C over the busy approach to Melbourne. Centre:“ABC, cleared to Eildon Weir; climb 7,500.” [shortly thereafter …] Centre:“ABC, maintain best rate of climb.” Me:“Best rate? I’m pedaling as fast as I can.” Andrew Fryvia e-mail

Departing north from Moorabbin (YMMB) on a warm summer's day, in a very tired rental Arrow, I was cleared to climb in class C over the busy approach to Melbourne.

"ABC, cleared to Eildon Weir; climb 7,500."

[shortly thereafter ...]

"ABC, maintain best rate of climb."

"Best rate? I'm pedaling as fast as I can."

Andrew Fry
via e-mail