Short Final

While working local Control (tower) as a newly minted Air Force controller in the ’60s, I often got requests from local pilots for practice DF steers, [our location] having one of the last DFs in the area. The DF console was located on the opposite side of the tower from Local, and I had a number of T-33s trying to land when the following exchange occurred: T-33:“Laughlin Tower, AF123. Request practice DF steer.” Me:“AF123, unable on account of traffic.” [long pause] T-33:“Then how about a real one?” Of course, I issued the steer. Ray Laughinghousevia e-mail

While working local Control (tower) as a newly minted Air Force controller in the '60s, I often got requests from local pilots for practice DF steers, [our location] having one of the last DFs in the area. The DF console was located on the opposite side of the tower from Local, and I had a number of T-33s trying to land when the following exchange occurred:

"Laughlin Tower, AF123. Request practice DF steer."

"AF123, unable on account of traffic."

[long pause]

"Then how about a real one?"

Of course, I issued the steer.

Ray Laughinghouse
via e-mail