Short Final

While on a flight from NC to Cape May, NJ (along the coast of MD), I heard this exchange between Dover approach and a pilot: Cessna 1234:“Dover approach, we would like to fly down the coast at 3,000 feet.” Dover Approach:“Cessna 1234, proceed as requested.” A few minutes later … Cessna 1234 (frantic!) :“Dover approach! There is really big airplane, and he is coming straight at us!” Dover Approach (cool, calm, and collected) :“Cessna 1234, that is a KC-135, and he is 1,000 feet below you. Should be no factor.” Cessna 1234 (still frantic) :“But he is coming straight at us!” Dover Approach (very professional) :“Cessna 1234, turn 30 degrees right. Piper 5678: Really big airplane, 10 o’clock, 2 miles, 2,000 feet.” Piper 5678:“Really big airplane in sight, no factor.” Paul Forehandvia e-mail

While on a flight from NC to Cape May, NJ (along the coast of MD), I heard this exchange between Dover approach and a pilot:

Cessna 1234:
"Dover approach, we would like to fly down the coast at 3,000 feet."

Dover Approach:
"Cessna 1234, proceed as requested."

A few minutes later ...

Cessna 1234 (frantic!) :
"Dover approach! There is really big airplane, and he is coming straight at us!"

Dover Approach (cool, calm, and collected) :
"Cessna 1234, that is a KC-135, and he is 1,000 feet below you. Should be no factor."

Cessna 1234 (still frantic) :
"But he is coming straight at us!"

Dover Approach (very professional) :
"Cessna 1234, turn 30 degrees right. Piper 5678: Really big airplane, 10 o'clock, 2 miles, 2,000 feet."

Piper 5678:
"Really big airplane in sight, no factor."

Paul Forehand
via e-mail