Short Final

This is a nice one from a few years back. I know the captain of the aircraft, so I’m sure it’s authentic. A South African Airways B747 just off LHR had a problem and said they were returning and would need to dump fuel for landing. London Departure:“You are approaching Windsor Castle, and the Queen is in residence. Hold the dump until you have passed Windsor.” SAA 747:“Phone the Queen and ask if she would like the fuel or the aircraft.” Bob Allisonvia e-mail

This is a nice one from a few years back. I know the captain of the aircraft, so I'm sure it's authentic. A South African Airways B747 just off LHR had a problem and said they were returning and would need to dump fuel for landing.

London Departure:
"You are approaching Windsor Castle, and the Queen is in residence. Hold the dump until you have passed Windsor."

SAA 747:
"Phone the Queen and ask if she would like the fuel or the aircraft."

Bob Allison
via e-mail