Short Final

Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” I’m a CFI who was flying into Vero Beach, Fla., and it’s widely known that one of the tower controllers often flies to work. The winds were favoring the single runway, so the parallel runways were not in use, and the tower was busier than usual. While flying the pattern with a student, I heard the following: Cessna:“Vero Beach Tower, Cessna XXXX inbound for landing, full stop.” Tower (with what sounded like a straight face, though it couldn’t have been):“Cessna XXXX, remain clear class Delta, expect one hour delay.”[We weren’t that busy, so I was shocked.] Cessna:“Um, but I’m your replacement!” Tower (now laughing):“Oh! Cessna XXXX, report left base, runway 4!”

Overheard in IFR Magazine's 'On the Air' Section
Overheard in IFR Magazine's "On the Air"

I'm a CFI who was flying into Vero Beach, Fla., and it's widely known that one of the tower controllers often flies to work. The winds were favoring the single runway, so the parallel runways were not in use, and the tower was busier than usual. While flying the pattern with a student, I heard the following:

"Vero Beach Tower, Cessna XXXX inbound for landing, full stop."

Tower (with what sounded like a straight face, though it couldn't have been):
"Cessna XXXX, remain clear class Delta, expect one hour delay."[We weren't that busy, so I was shocked.]

"Um, but I'm your replacement!"

Tower (now laughing):
"Oh! Cessna XXXX, report left base, runway 4!"