Short Final…
Another day at customs… I was returning to the US with my niece. The week before, a friend had flown the plane into a local grass strip and there was still mud and residue on the fuselage. As customs agents inspected the plane, one officer asked about the dirt and commented, “I gotta say, that’s the first time I’ve seen grass on the outside of the airplane.” Naturally dense (and focused on the inspection) I puzzled as my teenage niece began to choke down laughter. …She had to explain it to me as we taxied away.
Another day at customs...
I was returning to the US with my niece. The week before, a friend had flown the plane into a local grass strip and there was still mud and residue on the fuselage. As customs agents inspected the plane, one officer asked about the dirt and commented, "I gotta say, that's the first time I've seen grass on the outside of the airplane." Naturally dense (and focused on the inspection) I puzzled as my niece, who is in her early twenties, began to choke down laughter.
...She had to explain it to me as we taxied away.

Editorial StaffAVweb
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