Short Final…

The following exchange occurred between my student, the tower, and me at KLVK on 05/08/06… Cessna N1234 (Student): Livermore tower Cessna 1234 at Sierra ready to taxi 25R with India. Tower: Roger N1234 taxi to India. [Student gives me the “Huh? You read it back,” look.] Cessna N1234 (Instructor): Tower N1234 confirm you want us to taxi to 25R. We don’t have enough fuel to get to India.

The following exchange occurred between my student, the tower, and me at KLVK on 05/08/06...

Cessna N1234 (Student): Livermore tower Cessna 1234 at Sierra ready to taxi 25R with India.

Tower: Roger N1234 taxi to India.

[Student gives me the "Huh? You read it back," look.]

Cessna N1234 (Instructor): Tower N1234 confirm you want us to taxi to 25R. We don't have enough fuel to get to India.