Short Final
When approaching (and departing) an airport, I turn on my strobes and landing light to be more easily seen by others. Several weeks ago, I was about five miles south of the field when a Bonanza pilot came on CTAS to announce his take-off and departure. … Bonanza: “Bonanza 12345 taking runway 30 for take-off with a south departure.” … Cessna (me): “Cessna 12345 is five miles south at 2,000 feet and landing 30.” … Bonanza: “O.K. I’m looking but don’t see you.” … Me: “You should see me in a second. I’m lit up.” … Bonanza (after a pause): “I hope you’re talking about your airplane and not you.” — Bruce Anthony, via e-mail
When approaching (and departing) an airport, I turn on my strobes and landing light to be more easily seen by others. Several weeks ago, I was about five miles south of the field when a Bonanza pilot came on CTAS to announce his take-off and departure.
"Bonanza 12345 taking runway 30 for take-off with a south departure."
"Cessna 12345 is five miles south at 2,000 feet and landing 30."
"O.K. I'm looking but don't see you."
"You should see me in a second. I'm lit up."
Bonanza (after a pause):
"I hope you're talking about your airplane and not you."
Bruce Anthony
via e-mail

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