Short Final
During helicopter primary flight training at Fort Wolters, TX in 1970 a long, loose line of TH-55 helicopters, some with solo students, some with instructors, were returning from afternoon training … Student: (In broken Vietnamese) Wolthers Tower,Osage 1234 entering extended down wind for landing … Wolthers Tower: Osage 1234, negative entry, you are entering traffic from wrong direction … Student : Thats OK tower, I solo.
During helicopter primary flight training at Fort Wolters, TX in 1970 a long, loose line of TH-55 helicopters, some with solo students, some with instructors, were returning from afternoon training.
Student: (In broken Vietnamese) Wolthers Tower,Osage 1234 entering extended down wind for landing.
Wolthers Tower: Osage 1234, negative entry, you are entering traffic from wrong direction.
Student : Thats OK tower, I solo.
Bob Page
Editorial StaffAVweb
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