ADIZ Public Meetings Start Today In Maryland

This afternoon, the FAA will hold the first of two public meetings on its proposal to make the ADIZ over the D.C. area into a permanent fixture. The proposal so far has drawn over 19,700 comments, so the agency is sure to have plenty of input. Today’s meeting, at the Sheraton Colombia Hotel in Columbia, Md., will run from 1 p.m. until 4, then take a break and resume at 6:30 until no later than 9 p.m. Next week’s session is set for Wednesday, Jan. 18, at the Dulles Airport Marriott, the same hours. If you wanted to make an oral statement at either session, you had to have your request in by now. Comments can be submitted by e-mail until Feb. 6. You can access the docket online; type in 17005.

Airspace Struggles, East And West

This afternoon, the FAA will hold the first of two public meetings on its proposal to make the ADIZ over the D.C. area into a permanent fixture. The proposal so far has drawn over 19,700 comments, so the agency is sure to have plenty of input. Today's meeting, at the Sheraton Colombia Hotel in Columbia, Md., will run from 1 p.m. until 4, then take a break and resume at 6:30 until no later than 9 p.m. Next week's session is set for Wednesday, Jan. 18, at the Dulles Airport Marriott, the same hours. If you wanted to make an oral statement at either session, you had to have your request in by now. Comments can be submitted by e-mail until Feb. 6. You can access the docket online; type in 17005.