Check Again — Lycoming Updates Its Service Bulletin

Lycoming Tuesday issued a revision to its “this is the last one” Service Bulletin — SB 569A adds another 404 crankshafts to its list. The change reflects an omission from the original list, not a change to the total number of crankshafts affected, Lycoming said. (Affected owners made newly aware may dismiss that distinction.) “If you previously checked the list and did not find your crankshaft listed, you must re-check the list to verify whether your crankshaft is covered,” the company said. Owners also can call Lycoming Service at 1-800-258-3279 (U.S.) or 1-570-327-7046 to find out if their crankshaft is affected. Lycoming is offering replacement crankshaft kits to owners for $2,000. Lycoming says this is a 90%-discounted price.

Lycoming Tuesday issued a revision to its "this is the last one" Service Bulletin -- SB 569A adds another 404 crankshafts to its list. The change reflects an omission from the original list, not a change to the total number of crankshafts affected, Lycoming said. (Affected owners made newly aware may dismiss that distinction.) "If you previously checked the list and did not find your crankshaft listed, you must re-check the list to verify whether your crankshaft is covered," the company said. Owners also can call Lycoming Service at 1-800-258-3279 (U.S.) or 1-570-327-7046 to find out if their crankshaft is affected. Lycoming is offering replacement crankshaft kits to owners for $2,000. Lycoming says this is a 90%-discounted price. Affected crankshafts must be retired at the next crankshaft access or scheduled overhaul, whichever comes first, but no later than Feb. 21, 2009, the company said.