AVweb’s Monday Podcast: Sporty’s Head Hal Shevers Debriefs After NBAA and AOPA
At any convention, a lot of the real business is done in the hallways, the reception rooms, and the quiet corners that movers and shakers find when they need to talk turkey. The National Business Aviation Association meeting in Atlanta and AOPA’s annual get-together in Hartford provided plenty of opportunities for the kind of informal discussions that often lay the groundwork for future projects. Someone who seems to be everywhere at these events is Hal Shevers, president of Sporty’s Pilot Shop. AVweb‘s Russ Niles talked with Hal about what was seen and heard at these two major events.
At any convention, a lot of the real business is done in the hallways, the reception rooms, and the quiet corners that movers and shakers find when they need to talk turkey. The National Business Aviation Association meeting in Atlanta and AOPA's annual get-together in Hartford provided plenty of opportunities for the kind of informal discussions that often lay the groundwork for future projects. Someone who seems to be everywhere at these events is Hal Shevers, president of Sporty's Pilot Shop. AVweb's Russ Niles talked with Hal about what was seen and heard at these two major events.
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