Making Your Voice Heard for GA
When 15-year-old Eric Schultz was killed in a Texas flight training accident, public opinion could have soured. But long-time columnist Bob Ray Sanders took a stand in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Star-Telegram. “For their own sakes,” he wrote, “and in the memory of Eric, these students should still have the chance to spread their wings.” AVweb‘s Glenn Pew spoke with Sanders to learn his motivation and how best you can approach your hometown paper and other media outlets to advocate general aviation.
When 15-year-old Eric Schultz was killed in a Texas flight training accident, public opinion could have soured. But long-time columnist Bob Ray Sanders took a stand in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Star-Telegram. "For their own sakes," he wrote, "and in the memory of Eric, these students should still have the chance to spread their wings." AVweb's Glenn Pew spoke with Sanders to learn his motivation and how best you can approach your hometown paper and other media outlets to advocate general aviation.
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