Podcast: Canadian Air Museum Fights for Its Life
Toronto’s Canadian Air and Space Museum got an eviction notice from an arm of the Canadian federal government last week and has abruptly closed, calling into question the future of a priceless collection of artifacts and archives, not to mention the building itself, the original de Havilland Canada factory and birthplace of such iconic aircraft as the Beaver, Otter and Twin Otter. The Crown corporation that runs the site has made a deal with a private developer to put up four hockey rinks on the site. AVweb‘s Russ Niles spoke with Ian McDougall, the volunteer chairman of the museum (who also loves hockey) about the fight that is about to ensue.
Toronto's Canadian Air and Space Museum got an eviction notice from an arm of the Canadian federal government last week and has abruptly closed, calling into question the future of a priceless collection of artifacts and archives, not to mention the building itself, the original de Havilland Canada factory and birthplace of such iconic aircraft as the Beaver, Otter and Twin Otter. The Crown corporation that runs the site has made a deal with a private developer to put up four hockey rinks on the site. AVweb's Russ Niles spoke with Ian McDougall, the volunteer chairman of the museum (who also loves hockey) about the fight that is about to ensue.
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