Exclusive Video: On “Non-God-Fearing Aircraft”
Stability is a good thing … except when it isn’t. Nearly all general aviation aircraft are inherently stable, which makes them, in the words of military experimental test pilot Desmond “Deuce” Brophy, “God-fearing aircraft.” But the fighter jets Brophy flies and tests are a little different. During our visit to the flight test center at Edwards Air Force Base, Brophy explained the fundamental aerodynamic differences between the aircraft we fly and what he calls “non-God-fearing aircraft.”
Stability is a good thing ... except when it isn't. Nearly all general aviation aircraft are inherently stable, which makes them, in the words of military experimental test pilot Desmond "Deuce" Brophy, "God-fearing aircraft." But the fighter jets Brophy flies and tests are a little different. During our visit to the flight test center at Edwards Air Force Base, Brophy explained the fundamental aerodynamic differences between the aircraft we fly and what he calls "non-God-fearing aircraft."
(Don't let our censor bars distract you; they're simply there to protect some private names and numbers.)
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