Bizjet Accidents Increase In 2012
There were more business jet accidents in 2012 than the previous year and American operators were particularly hard hit. Business Jet Investor quotes an annual study by Robert E. Breiling Associates as putting the world-wide total of business jet accidents in 2012 at 28, including seven fatal accidents. That’s up from 25 total accidents with four involving fatalities in 2011.

There were more business jet accidents in 2012 than the previous year and American operators were particularly hard hit. Business Jet Investor quotes an annual study by Robert E. Breiling Associates as putting the world-wide total of business jet accidents in 2012 at 28, including seven fatal accidents. That's up from 25 total accidents with four involving fatalities in 2011.
Of the seven fatal accidents in 2012, five involved U.S.-registered aircraft, where there were no U.S. planes involved in fatalities the previous year. Two fatal accidents happened in the U.S. while the other U.S. aircraft crashed in Mexico, the Congo and France. The total number of fatalities was also up in 2012. Business jet accidents killed 26 people in 2012 compared to 14 in 2011.