Bugatti Flies Again

The one-of-a-kind Bugatti 100p is back in the air for the second time, after the first flight, in August, ended in an off-runway excursion and damage to the props and spinner. The airplane, equipped with two new custom-built propellers, took off Saturday at the Clinton-Sherman Airport in Clinton, Oklahoma, flew the pattern, and returned for a safe landing. “The flight was flawless and the airplane performed perfectly,” the team wrote on their Facebook page. The two props, both mounted on the nose, rotate in opposite directions.

The one-of-a-kind Bugatti 100p is back in the air for the second time, after the first flight, in August, ended in an off-runway excursion anddamage to the props and spinner. The airplane, equipped with two new custom-built propellers, took off Saturday at the Clinton-Sherman Airport in Clinton, Oklahoma, flew the pattern, and returned for a safe landing. "The flight was flawless and the airplane performed perfectly," the team wrote on their Facebook page. The two props, both mounted on the nose, rotate in opposite directions.

The 100p is based on a design by Ettore Bugatti, of Italy. The original prototype never flew, as the project was put aside when World War II broke out in Europe. The current team has been working on the airplane for years, partly funded through a Kickstarter effort. The props are driven by two Suzuki Hayabusa 200-hp motorbike engines. The team hopes to fly the airplane at about 200 mph.