FAA Provides Safety Tips For Eclipse Travels
If youre planning to fly toward the path of totality to view Mondays coming solar eclipse, you wont be alone. The FAA says several airports located in the path said they are expecting a significant increase in traffic before and during the eclipse. Many of these airports are non-towered and have limited capacity to accommodate an increase in traffic, the FAA says. The FAA offers some tips to fly safe in the path of the eclipse.

If you're planning to fly toward the path of totality to view Monday's coming solar eclipse, you won't be alone. The FAA says several airports located in the path said they are expecting "a significant increase" in traffic before and during the eclipse. Many of these airports are non-towered and have limited capacity to accommodate an increase in traffic, the FAA says. The FAA offers some tips to fly safe in the path of the eclipse. Their suggestions copied below include: "Use US Chart Supplements (formerly AFD). Check NOTAMs for your departing and arriving airports, including airports along the route of your flight. Some airports may already be at capacity. Call your destination airport, and respect the runway closures and safety information they provide. Expect Unicom congestion, and check for additional instructions on ASOS/AWOS voice over.
Also, See and Avoid is a high priority. Watch out for possible drone activity. Utilize Air Traffic Services when available. Use IFR operations when appropriate, and file VFR flight plans, the FAA says — let Air Traffic assist you! If you have specific questions about an area or airport, the FAASTeam is willing to help. Local FAASTeam Program Managers (FPM) are available to help with local knowledge." For a refresher on non-towered airport communications, click here. Also, ATC will be monitoring the launch of about 100 science balloons along the path of totality that will carry cameras aloft to record the eclipse.