Gulfstream Gets G350 Type Certificate
Gulfstream Aerospace announced last week it has received its FAA type certificate for the Gulfstream G350, the company’s latest large-cabin, mid-range business jet. The G350 was introduced eight months ago and is expected to enter service during the third quarter next year. The G350 is similar to its stable-mate, the G450, but has slightly (550 nm) shorter legs. The G450 was introduced October 2003 and received its FAA Type Certificate in August. In addition to their similar appearance, the G450 and G350 share the same flight control systems, engines, PlaneView flight deck, Honeywell Primus Epic avionics architecture and numerous upgraded systems. Because the G350 and G450, plus the ultra-long-range G500 and G550, all use Gulfstream’s highly automated PlaneView cockpit, all models share the same type rating. Unsurprisingly, the G350 was developed by the same internal team that developed the G550 and the G500 which, earlier this year, was awarded the 2003 Collier Trophy.

Gulfstream Aerospace announced last week it has received its FAA type certificate for the Gulfstream G350, the company's latest large-cabin, mid-range business jet. The G350 was introduced eight months ago and is expected to enter service during the third quarter next year. The G350 is similar to its stable-mate, the G450, but has slightly (550 nm) shorter legs. The G450 was introduced October 2003 and received its FAA Type Certificate in August. In addition to their similar appearance, the G450 and G350 share the same flight control systems, engines, PlaneView flight deck, Honeywell Primus Epic avionics architecture and numerous upgraded systems. Because the G350 and G450, plus the ultra-long-range G500 and G550, all use Gulfstream's highly automated PlaneView cockpit, all models share the same type rating. Unsurprisingly, the G350 was developed by the same internal team that developed the G550 and the G500 which, earlier this year, was awarded the 2003 Collier Trophy. "We developed the G350 specifically for customers who require ample seating and cargo space, but who don't need long- or ultra-long-range capability," said Bryan Moss, president of Gulfstream. According to the company, the G350 has a long-range cruise speed of Mach 0.80 and 3800-nm range. Additionally, the G350 requires a runway only 5050 feet long for takeoff. Two Rolls-Royce Tay 611-8C engines, each producing 13,850 pounds of thrust, power the G350. "The similarity in design between the G350, G450, G500 and G550 results in cost savings in terms of crew training and maintenance," Moss added. The G350 fills the market position previously held by the Gulfstream G300 but features an additional range of 200 nautical miles, a larger cabin and cockpit and baggage area, an advanced-technology flight deck and an upgraded cabin environmental-control system.