Jeppesen Via Cell Phone Or PDA

Jeppesen is putting its prodigious database at the fingertips of clients who need flight information on the go. With technology partner Hilton Software, which has figured out how to make all that information available to your personal communicator. And its an impressive array of information that can be displayed on that little screen. From DUATS supported legal weather and flight plan filing, to real-time depictions of weather, airport information, and even weight and balance calculations for more than 400 aircraft stored in the database. The system is available for Windows-based mobile applications and Iphone and Blackberry versions are in the works. Jepp has also made learning (and teaching) the G1000 easier than ever.

Jeppesen is putting its prodigious database at the fingertips of clients who need flight information on the go. With technology partner Hilton Software, which has figured out how to make all that information available to your personal communicator. And its an impressive array of information that can be displayed on that little screen. From DUATS supported legal weather and flight plan filing, to real-time depictions of weather, airport information, and even weight and balance calculations for more than 400 aircraft stored in the database. The system is available for Windows-based mobile applications and Iphone and Blackberry versions are in the works. Jepp has also made learning (and teaching) the G1000 easier than ever.

The computer-based training programs put a graphic depiction of the glass panel on the screen and a special menu bar runs the scenario-based individual courses. The software also keeps score. It records when each of the dozens of tasks has been completed without asking for help or looking up answers and ticks a box on a scoresheet. That way instructors can send students off to do self directed study and know the work is being covered. Theres a familiarization course, one for VFR and one for IFR.