LightSquared Gets 30-Day Extension

As broadband provider LightSquared continues to push for the right to use a communications spectrum that could interfere with GPS units, Sprint this week agreed to extend its Dec. 31 deadline for a $9 billion deal with the company another 30 days, according to Reuters. The agreement between the two companies to share network infrastructure is dependent upon LightSquared’s getting the OK from the Federal Communications Commission, which so far has not been forthcoming. LightSquared has said the signal interference is due to poor design in GPS units. The Coalition to Save Our GPS has called LightSquared’s claims “inaccurate and self-serving.”

As broadband provider LightSquared continues to push for the right to use a communications spectrum that could interfere with GPS units, Sprint this week agreed to extend its Dec. 31 deadline for a $9 billion deal with the company another 30 days, according to Reuters. The agreement between the two companies to share network infrastructure is dependent upon LightSquared's getting the OK from the Federal Communications Commission, which so far has not been forthcoming. LightSquared has said the signal interference is due to poor design in GPS units. The Coalition to Save Our GPS has called LightSquared's claims "inaccurate and self-serving."

LightSquared, which is funded by billionaire Philip Falcone, has agreed to pay Sprint to build a wireless network for selling broadband service on the wholesale market, according to Reuters. According to LightSquared, problems in the GPS spectrum are due to poor design by manufacturers of GPS products. Last month, LightSquared petitioned the FCC to let it move ahead with its plans, declaring that manufacturers of GPS units are not entitled to any "protection."