Military Pushes Terrorism/UAV Connection

Military experts are warning that unmanned aerial drones could be very easily assembled and used by terrorists to conduct aerial attacks … but, for pilots, the warning’s wording may be more disturbing. “Sooner or later we’re going to see a Cessna programmed to fly into a building,” Rear Admiral Chris Parry told The Associated Press. The Rear Admiral went on to describe such potential attacks as “cheap” and “about as difficult to detect as a blackbird.” The idea is not new. In 2003 six Hamas militants were killed in an explosion while working with a remote-controlled aircraft intended for use in an attack. Rear Admiral Parry is not counting on future outcomes to always end similarly. In 2006 an informant told the FBI he was aware of a plot to fit a model aircraft with explosives. The military warns that use of such inexpensive, simple means of delivery may continue to prove seductive to potential terrorists and even drug traffickers.

Military experts are warning that unmanned aerial drones could be very easily assembled and used by terrorists to conduct aerial attacks ... but, for pilots, the warning's wording may be more disturbing. "Sooner or later we're going to see a Cessna programmed to fly into a building," Rear Admiral Chris Parry told The Associated Press. The Rear Admiral went on to describe such potential attacks as "cheap" and "about as difficult to detect as a blackbird." The idea is not new. In 2003 six Hamas militants were killed in an explosion while working with a remote-controlled aircraft intended for use in an attack. Rear Admiral Parry is not counting on future outcomes to always end similarly. In 2006 an informant told the FBI he was aware of a plot to fit a model aircraft with explosives. The military warns that use of such inexpensive, simple means of delivery may continue to prove seductive to potential terrorists and even drug traffickers. Parry also suggested the aircraft could one day be used to ferry illegal substances across expanses of inhospitable territory.