While Cessna Upsizes…
Each year at NBAA, much of the buzz focuses on the new airframes being announced and which company looks like it has the upper hand in the market’s various tiers. A perennial contender in each convention’s sweepstakes for the most sweeping new-aircraft announcement, Cessna this year announced it will be plus-sizing two of its best-selling jets. Instead of the Citation CJ1 and CJ2, look for the CJ1+ and CJ2+. According to the company, the Citation CJ1+ will offer greater performance, a new integrated avionics suite, enhanced cabin features and expanded standard equipment when compared to its predecessor. Meanwhile, Cessna says the Citation CJ2+ will provide “the most advanced avionics suite ever seen on this class of aircraft” and be powered by the Williams FJ44-3A-24 dual-channel FADEC engine, which is similar to the Citation CJ3s FJ44-3A engine but derated to 2,400 pounds of thrust. Separately, Cessna announced it will be hiring some 600 new workers to help it meet the coming demand.

The single-pilot certified CJ1 and M2 are getting the attention of airline-averse pilots.
Each year at NBAA, much of the buzz focuses on the new airframes being announced and which company looks like it has the upper hand in the market's various tiers. A perennial contender in each convention's sweepstakes for the most sweeping new-aircraft announcement, Cessna this year announced it will be plus-sizing two of its best-selling jets. Instead of the Citation CJ1 and CJ2, look for the CJ1+ and CJ2+. According to the company, the Citation CJ1+ will offer greater performance, a new integrated avionics suite, enhanced cabin features and expanded standard equipment when compared to its predecessor. Meanwhile, Cessna says the Citation CJ2+ will provide "the most advanced avionics suite ever seen on this class of aircraft" and be powered by the Williams FJ44-3A-24 dual-channel FADEC engine, which is similar to the Citation CJ3s FJ44-3A engine but derated to 2,400 pounds of thrust. Separately, Cessna announced it will be hiring some 600 new workers to help it meet the coming demand. The standard Citation CJ1+ Collins Pro Line 21 avionics package is nearly identical to that offered on the new Citation CJ2+ and Citation CJ3. Optional CJ1+ avionics include electronic charts showing "geo-referenced aircraft position on airport diagrams, interactive graphical weather, and Honeywell Mark VIII EGPWS," said Cessna. The CJ2+ will be designated as a model 525A, allow single-pilot operation and come with 17 of the Citation CJ2s most popular options, plus 10 new features that were unavailable on the Citation CJ2. The CJ2+ will have standard broadcast graphical weather showing NEXRAD information, text METARs and text TAFs. Optional CJ2+ avionics equipment includes electronic charts showing geo-referenced position on airports, interactive graphical weather, and Honeywell Mark VIII EGPWS. In the cabin, new standard items include 110-volt electrical outlets (two outlets in the cabin and one in the cockpit), left-hand belted flushing toilet, left-hand storage and indirect LED lighting.