BRS Expands Cessna Parachute Centers
At a time when changing perceptions about flight safety have pilots more interested in whole aircraft parachute systems, BRS Aerospace is expanding their network of approved installation centers for chute retrofits on Cessna 172s and 182s. In this exclusive podcast, company President Enrique Dillon told AVweb that BRS is looking to increase the number of approved centers around the world.
At a time when changing perceptions about flight safety have pilots more interested in whole aircraft parachute systems, BRS Aerospace is expanding their network of approved installation centers for chute retrofits on Cessna 172s and 182s. In this exclusive podcast, company President Enrique Dillon told AVweb that BRS is looking to increase the number of approved centers around the world.
Duration: 8:43
File Size: 8.02 MB download here

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