Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

Summer is upon us, and your “Picture of the Week” submissions continue to reflect the green grass, sunny skies, and adventures spirit of the season. (We like it when you make it hard to pick a winner each week, so please keep sending in those photos!) John E. Rees of Blacklick, Ohio didn’t have far to go to attend the 50th Reunion of the National Waco Club at Wynkoop Airport in Mt. Vernon. In retrospect, that’s probably a good thing for all of us, since it allowed John to snap a lot of awesome Waco photos while he was there.

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week." Want to see your photo on AVweb.com? Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


Summer is upon us, and your "Picture of the Week" submissions continue to reflect the green grass, sunny skies, and adventures spirit of the season. (We like it when you make it hard to pick a winner each week, so please keep sending in those photos!)

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

Refueling the Waco

John E. Rees of Blacklick, Ohio didn't have far to go to attend the 50th Reunion of the National Waco Club at Wynkoop Airport in Mt. Vernon. In retrospect, that's probably a good thing for all of us, since it allowed John to snap a lot of awesome Waco photos while he was there.

(Not to discourage anyone from visiting John's gallery, but if you've got some work to do - like, say, writing copy for this week's "POTW" photos - you may want to bookmark that link and check it out later.)

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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copyright John E. Rees
Used with permission

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Used with permission of Ralph Lacomba

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Used with permission of Ralph Lacomba

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Used with permission of Ralph Lacomba

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Used with permission of Ralph Lacomba

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Used with permission of Ralph Lacomba

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Used with permission of Ralph Lacomba

Sunset Finale at Sun 'n Fun

Michael Lacomba and his uncle Ralph Lacomba of Columbia, SC made time to smell the flowers and watch the landings at Sun 'n Fun this year.

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Used with permission of Ralph Lacomba

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Used with permission of Ralph Lacomba

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Used with permission of Ralph Lacomba

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Used with permission of Ralph Lacomba

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Used with permission of Ralph Lacomba

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Used with permission of Ralph Lacomba

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Used with permission of Ralph Lacomba

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Used with permission of Ralph Lacomba

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Used with permission of Ralph Lacomba

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Used with permission of Greg Dolph

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Used with permission of Greg Dolph

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Used with permission of Greg Dolph

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Used with permission of Greg Dolph

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Used with permission of Greg Dolph

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Used with permission of Greg Dolph

Now THAT's an Ultralight

Greg Dolph of London, England (U.K.) made it out to the North Weald Air Britain Fly-In and got to check out this recreation celebrating the 100th anniversary of Louis Blriot's flight over the English Channel.

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Used with permission of Greg Dolph

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Used with permission of Greg Dolph

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Used with permission of Greg Dolph

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Used with permission of Greg Dolph

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Used with permission of Greg Dolph

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Used with permission of Greg Dolph

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Used with permission of Greg Dolph

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Used with permission of Greg Dolph

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Used with permission of Greg Dolph

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copyright Joseph Philip Horenkamp
Used with permission

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copyright Joseph Philip Horenkamp
Used with permission

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copyright Joseph Philip Horenkamp
Used with permission

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copyright Joseph Philip Horenkamp
Used with permission

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copyright Joseph Philip Horenkamp
Used with permission

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copyright Joseph Philip Horenkamp
Used with permission

Black Sparrow Liberty Jumpers with C-47

We just had to mess around with caption Joe Horenkamp of Novi, Michigan suggested for this photo - "C-47 with Black Sparrow Liberty Jumpers." We thought we'd give the boys in the foreground top billing - though we doubt they mind playing second fiddle to the Black Sparrow.

(By the way, we haven't insisted to you make a shot your desktop wallpaper recently, but you should try it with Joe's photo. Our desktop icons sure look good against that gray background!)

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copyright Joseph Philip Horenkamp
Used with permission

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copyright Joseph Philip Horenkamp
Used with permission

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copyright Joseph Philip Horenkamp
Used with permission

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copyright Joseph Philip Horenkamp
Used with permission

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copyright Joseph Philip Horenkamp
Used with permission

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copyright Joseph Philip Horenkamp
Used with permission

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copyright Joseph Philip Horenkamp
Used with permission

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copyright Joseph Philip Horenkamp
Used with permission

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copyright Joseph Philip Horenkamp
Used with permission

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Used with permission of Alvin F. Quack Jr.

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Used with permission of Alvin F. Quack Jr.

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Used with permission of Alvin F. Quack Jr.

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Used with permission of Alvin F. Quack Jr.

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Used with permission of Alvin F. Quack Jr.

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Used with permission of Alvin F. Quack Jr.

Happy Birthday, America

To celebrate Independence Day in the U.S., Alvin F. Quack Jr. of Groveland, Massachusetts dug through this archives and turned up a couple of shots he took in Madrid during the 1975 run-up to America's bicentennial celebration. Alvin worked for ONA at the time, and this special paint job was commemorated the event.

Happy holidays, North America! (And don't think we didn't notice that no one sent us any Canada Day photos ... .)

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Used with permission of Alvin F. Quack Jr.

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Used with permission of Alvin F. Quack Jr.

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Used with permission of Alvin F. Quack Jr.

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Used with permission of Alvin F. Quack Jr.

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Used with permission of Alvin F. Quack Jr.

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Used with permission of Alvin F. Quack Jr.

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Used with permission of Alvin F. Quack Jr.

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Used with permission of Alvin F. Quack Jr.

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Used with permission of Alvin F. Quack Jr.

You'll find more reader-submitted photos in the slideshow on AVweb's home page, and there are some humdingers there this week (at least three of which we'd love to have included here).

There were a lot of first-time submitters this week, which is something we always like to see. Got a great photo in your treasure chest? Scan it and share it with us!


A quick note for submitters: If you've got several photos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week! That gives your photos a greater chance of seeing print on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier on us, too. ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights:
Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult the POTW Rules or or send us an e-mail.