Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb’s home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our “Picture of the Week.” We’ve always heard that children are our future, but it seems they’re finally taking over the present – at least as far as “Picture of the Week” is concerned. John and Brady Gardner stole the show last week, and this week’s top spot goes to Keith McQueen of Orem, Utah, whose winning photo really caught our eye.

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings.  The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week."  Want to see your photo on AVweb.com?  Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


We've always heard that children are our future, but it seems they're finally taking over the present - at least as far as "Picture of the Week" is concerned.  John and Brady Gardner stole the show last week, and this week's top spot goes toKeith McQueen of Orem, Utah, whose winning photo really caught our eye.

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copyright Keith McQueen
Used with permission

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copyright Keith McQueen
Used with permission

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copyright Keith McQueen
Used with permission

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copyright Keith McQueen
Used with permission

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copyright Keith McQueen
Used with permission

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copyright Keith McQueen
Used with permission

A Closer Look

Keith McQueen of Orem, Utah knows how to build a sense of mystery.  Explaining his winning photo, he writes, "After this Apache AH-64 made a precautionary landing in the parking lot behind my home, this little tyke just had to have a closer look."

We see a lot of strange landings at AVweb - but we've yet to have an Apache helicopter land in our backyard and take it in stride.  Then again, we'd have been too busy gawking and asking questions to catch this priceless photo opportunity.

Kudos, Keith!  Watch your mailbox for one of those spiffy AVweb baseball caps we promised above.

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copyright Keith McQueen
Used with permission

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copyright Keith McQueen
Used with permission

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copyright Keith McQueen
Used with permission

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copyright Keith McQueen
Used with permission

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copyright Keith McQueen
Used with permission

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copyright Keith McQueen
Used with permission

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copyright Keith McQueen
Used with permission

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copyright Keith McQueen
Used with permission

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copyright Keith McQueen
Used with permission


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Used with permission of Peter H. Grimm

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Used with permission of Peter H. Grimm

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Used with permission of Peter H. Grimm

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Used with permission of Peter H. Grimm

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Used with permission of Peter H. Grimm

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Used with permission of Peter H. Grimm

ANC Departure

Peter Grimm of Minden, Nevada was equally tight-lipped about the circumstances behind this photo - but when all is said and done, doesn't this image speak for itself?

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Used with permission of Peter H. Grimm

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Used with permission of Peter H. Grimm

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Used with permission of Peter H. Grimm

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Used with permission of Peter H. Grimm

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Used with permission of Peter H. Grimm

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Used with permission of Peter H. Grimm

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Used with permission of Peter H. Grimm

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Used with permission of Peter H. Grimm

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Used with permission of Peter H. Grimm


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Used with permission of Bob Stegeman

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Used with permission of Bob Stegeman

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Used with permission of Bob Stegeman

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Used with permission of Bob Stegeman

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Used with permission of Bob Stegeman

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Used with permission of Bob Stegeman

Flagship Detroit at Sun 'n Fun

Bob Stegeman of Olathe, Kansas caught the sun shining down on our old friend, the Flagship Detroit, at this year's Sun 'n Fun Fly-In.

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Used with permission of Bob Stegeman

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Used with permission of Bob Stegeman

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Used with permission of Bob Stegeman

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Used with permission of Bob Stegeman

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Used with permission of Bob Stegeman

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Used with permission of Bob Stegeman

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Used with permission of Bob Stegeman

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Used with permission of Bob Stegeman

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Used with permission of Bob Stegeman


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Used with permission of
Gilberto A. Velez-Domenech

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Used with permission of
Gilberto A. Velez-Domenech

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Used with permission of
Gilberto A. Velez-Domenech

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Used with permission of
Gilberto A. Velez-Domenech

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Used with permission of
Gilberto A. Velez-Domenech

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Used with permission of
Gilberto A. Velez-Domenech

Late Sunday Afternoon at Lee Bottom by the Ohio River

Gilberto Velez-Domenech of Teaneck, New Jersey photographed this little slice of paradise at Lee Bottom Flying Field in Hanover, Indiana - "a beautiful grass strip on the bank of the Ohio River."

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Used with permission of
Gilberto A. Velez-Domenech

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Used with permission of
Gilberto A. Velez-Domenech

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Used with permission of
Gilberto A. Velez-Domenech

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Used with permission of
Gilberto A. Velez-Domenech

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Used with permission of
Gilberto A. Velez-Domenech

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Used with permission of
Gilberto A. Velez-Domenech

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Used with permission of
Gilberto A. Velez-Domenech

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Used with permission of
Gilberto A. Velez-Domenech

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Used with permission of
Gilberto A. Velez-Domenech


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Used with permission of Bryan D. Bogle

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Used with permission of Bryan D. Bogle

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Used with permission of Bryan D. Bogle

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Used with permission of Bryan D. Bogle

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Used with permission of Bryan D. Bogle

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Used with permission of Bryan D. Bogle

Pinnacle Landing?

Everyone here has the neighbor who took a photo of himself "holding" the Washington Monument while on vacation, right?  Well, it's much funnier gag with a helicopter involved - at least, Bryan Bogle of Round Rock, Texas thinks so.  He snapped this one "from the Tidal Basin while Marine 1 was in flight."

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Used with permission of Bryan D. Bogle

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Used with permission of Bryan D. Bogle

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Used with permission of Bryan D. Bogle

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Used with permission of Bryan D. Bogle

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Used with permission of Bryan D. Bogle

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Used with permission of Bryan D. Bogle

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Used with permission of Bryan D. Bogle

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Used with permission of Bryan D. Bogle

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Used with permission of Bryan D. Bogle

Not your cup of tea?  Don't worry.  There are a dozen or so more photos online in our "POTW" slideshow, now playing on AVweb's home page.


To enter next week's contest, click here.

A quick note for submitters:  If you've got several photos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week!  That gives your photos a greater chance of seeing print on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier on us, too.  ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult thePOTW Rules orsend us an e-mail.