Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase
This week’s winning photo comes from Brian Breighner of Cumberland, MD. Click here for the rest of this week’s submissions.

A Toast to Waco Aircraft
1927 Waco Ten toasted by a delicious Stoli Vodka Cranberry and cranberry juice - a perfect match. Camera: Canon EOS30D.

Resting Pawnee
HDR (High Dynamic Range) image taken using three exposures with a Nikon D7000. Depicting a Piper Pawnee (C-GEKV) at the York Soaring Association.

Young Eagle
Peyton Elkins, age 12, of Red Hook, New York prepping for his Young Eagle Flight at Mettetal Field, Plymouth, Michigan in a Champ.

Frontier of Flight Museum at DAL
Museum is located on the southeast corner of the DAL airport.

Hercules Meets Orion
At the Rhode Island Air Show at Quonsett Point, the Blue Angels' support Hercules Fat Albert passes by the tail of an Orion. Both types have been flying for more than half of the 100 years of naval aviation. Konica Minolta Maxxum 5D with 100mm lens. Image just cropped and slightly contrast-adjusted.

In the Break Over Buckeye, Arizona
A four ship of NanChangs in the break over Buckeye, Arizona (KBXK).

Esther Mae DC-3
Oshkosh - late afternoon, July 29, 2010. According to an online source, Esther Mae was converted to DC-3 in 1946 from a cancelled Army Air Corps C-117 order at the end of WWII and has been a corporate aircraft since conversion. Canon 5D MkII, zoom at 28mm; f4.5; 1/320 sec; ISO 100; resized to 1 MB.

Otters of the Non-Aquatic Type
Harbor Air Otters in Vancouver Harbor. Shot with a Sony DSC717. No adjustments other than brightness.

Gruyere: Gliders, an Old Castle and Swiss Cheese
The little Swiss town of Gruyere is famous all over the word for its cheese and the very old castle, but it is also a very active air field. Photo taken with a Pentax Optio P80 camera at 1/250 sec, F 7.0, focal length 5mm. The original file was just slightly cropped.

B-25 Taking Off from Cable Airport
Cable Air Fair in January 2006 while waiting near the end of the runway. No manipulations. Canon digital 3.2.

ANZAC 2011 Tiger Formation
ANZAC 2011 dawn formation. Taken with a Kodak point-and-shoot over Perth, Western Australia.

Sunny Wildcat
Shot at Canadian Warplane Heritage's Annual air show in Hamilton, Ontario. Original photo. I used a simple Kodak M73 snapshot camera.

B-17G Texas Raiders
The Commemorative Air Force's B- 17G Texas Raiders at AirVenture 2010 for the 75th anniversary celebration of Boeing's "Flying Fortress."

Nephew's First Flight
No changes.
Ed. Note: We can't resisting linking to the other photo Joseph submitted, of his nephew waiting patiently through all the pre-flight checks.

The First Flight Grin
Taking my grandson Lucas on his first flight. The image is a frame from a video shot on GoPro HeroHD during take-off in a 182 from KJQF. The look of joy on his face is priceless. His mom and dad are in the back seat. He took hold of the yoke as we taxied our for departure, "flew" the plane the entire flight, and only let go when Granddaddy pried his fingers loose on short final.

Early Airliner Late in the Day
Shot at sunset Friday evening after the Northwest EAA Fly-In had wound up for the day. It was just soft colors of the twilight; there were no digital changes to the photo - this is what I caught on my pocket camera.

1941 Stearman Taking Off
It looks like the passenger in the front cockpit is taking a picture of me. Later we exchanged pictures, and, even though he was not aware of me, I'm in the photo. Picture is only cropped and de-noised.

Swift Moment
N3378K sighted at Arlington Fly-In July 10, 2011. No digital manipulations, but the camera was set on P mode, and the white balance was off.

Bryan Bourn's Lake at KRNH
The Lake is owned/piloted by Bryan Bourn of Jordan, Minnesota. Photos were shot from Pat Anderson's Super Cub at the KRNH fly-in on June 25, 2011. Photo taken near New Richmond, Wisconsin.