GA Groups Lobby For Part 23 Action

The FAA will hold a public hearing on its proposed Part 23 revisions today and tomorrow in College Park, Georgia. On the eve of the event, a coalition of general aviation groups sent a letter to the FAA urging them to work swiftly and implement the revised rule by the end of this year. “The importance of this effort … to assure a brighter future for the general aviation community … cannot be overstated,” the groups said.

The FAA will hold a public hearing on its proposed Part 23 revisions today and tomorrow in College Park, Georgia. On the eve of the event, a coalition of general aviation groups sent a letter (PDF) to the FAA urging them to work swiftly and implement the revised rule by the end of this year. "The importance of this effort … to assure a brighter future for the general aviation community … cannot be overstated," the groups said. "The FAA must work swiftly to implement the changes being proposed in as short a timeframe as possible … This must be an absolute priority for the FAA."Leaders of nine groups signed the letter, including GAMA, AOPA, EAA, HAI, NATA and NBAA.The FAA said the purpose of the public meeting is to discuss the NPRM, hear the public's questions, address any confusion and obtain information relevant to the final rule under consideration.

The FAA published its proposed new Part 23 airworthiness standards in March. The new rules, for normal, utility, acrobatic and commuter category airplanes, would remove current prescriptive design requirements and replace them with performance-based airworthiness standards. "The proposed airworthiness standards are based on, and would maintain, the level of safety of the current part 23," the FAA said. A transcript of this week's meeting and all material accepted by the panel during the meeting will be placed in the public docket, the FAA said. The NPRM written comment period will close on May 13.