Short Final: In Your Dreams

The Naval Air Station at Belle Chase regularly uses New Iberia, LA (KARA) as a refueling stop. I was flying my Piper PA-32 into KARA to get fuel for myself and contacted the Tower…

The Naval Air Station at Belle Chase regularly uses New Iberia, LA (KARA) as a refueling stop. I was flying my Piper PA‑32 into KARA to get fuel for myself and contacted the Tower.

Tower: "Piper Three Five Eight One Whiskey, enter a left base for Runway 34. You are following two F‑18s on a 15‑mile final."

I saw the jets and could tell that if I kept my current speed I would be close to their jet wash.

Me: "Eight One Whiskey, left base for 34, slowing down for the F‑18s."

F‑18 pilot: "In your dreams."

Rick Cloud
Monroe, LA