Short Final: Ludicrous Speed
Approach: Theres a Pilatus about 50 miles ahead of you, same altitude, and we need to maintain separation while I hand you off to the next sector. Youd have to go really fast to get ahead of him before the hand-off.
This past September I overheard this:
King Air 12345: "Potomac, King Air 12345, do you still need us to hold back to 190 knots?"
Approach: "King Air 345, yes I do. There's a Pilatus about 50 miles ahead of you, same altitude, and we need to maintain separation while I hand you off to the next sector. You'd have to go really fast to get ahead of him before the hand‑off."
King Air 12345: "Potomac, King Air 345 could push it up to 238 knots. Would that work?"
There was a pause while the controller digested this option.
Approach: "King Air, 345 that works. Turn 10 degrees right and speed your discretion."
King Air 12345: "Roger, Potomac, King Air 345 cleared ‘ludicrous speed!'"
Mike Jones
Southern Pines, NC

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