Diamond’s Updated DA40 Line

Diamond Aircraft announced two new models of the DA40 at AOPA Expo in Hartford on Thursday. A bells-and-whistles version called the XLS features a major upgrade of the Garmin GFC 700 to include WAAS with VNAV, electronic charts, Safe Taxi and a full page engine display on the multi function display. Options include Jeppesen Chartview, in which the aircraft’s position on the plates is depicted. Standard price will be $335,000. An entry-level model of the DA40 called the CS was also introduced.

Diamond Aircraft announced two new models of the DA40 at AOPA Expo in Hartford on Thursday. A bells-and-whistles version called the XLS features a major upgrade of the Garmin GFC 700 to include WAAS with VNAV, electronic charts, Safe Taxi and a full page engine display on the multi function display. Options include Jeppesen Chartview, in which the aircraft's position on the plates is depicted. Standard price will be $335,000. An entry-level model of the DA40 called the CS was also introduced.

Four levels of the Garmin upgrade will be offered but the aircraft will not be equipped with long-range tanks or many of the standard features of the XLS. Spokeswoman Heike Larson said the CS, which is priced at $260,000, is intended to be an entry level aircraft or one that can be customized by the new owner with the options that he or she needs.