MAX 10 Gets Certification Flight Test Nod


The FAA says Boeing can start certification flight testing of its MAX 10, the flagship of the latest generation 737 and a key part of the overall business plan for the brand. The 10 hadn’t been certified when the MAX 8 and MAX 9 fleet was grounded in 2019 and that, combined with a rule change, delayed its certification by years. The MAX 10 is the biggest of the type and is designed to directly challenge the Airbus A321 NEO in the long-range single-aisle space. On Wednesday the FAA granted type inspection authorization for the 10, the last paperwork step before actual testing can begin.

The 10, along with the MAX 7, the smallest of the type, were in limbo while the mess with the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System was sorted out after two fatal crashes of MAXes in 2018 and 2019. In the meantime, the FAA changed certification rules for crew alerting systems on passenger aircraft designed to reduce pilot distraction during emergencies. The 10 and 7 would have needed major alterations to meet the new standards and Congress finally had to pass legislation to allowing them to be certified under the old rules. Boeing says first deliveries are expected in 2024.

Russ Niles
Russ Niles is Editor-in-Chief of AVweb. He has been a pilot for 30 years and joined AVweb 22 years ago. He and his wife Marni live in southern British Columbia where they also operate a small winery.


  1. And up front the cockpit is still in the 60s!!! Cockpit commonality…yeah, well guys, the longer it’s put off the harder it will be to make the transition. Wonder when they’ll end up making a 757 again. Shoulda been the focus vs stretching an ancient design. Oh, and the bigger issue that needs to be solved is how to make gasper vents that actually blow air on your face in this stuffy cabin! Airbus and embraer got it figured out, cmon guys

    • Got news for ya, they’re all getting to be ancient with that breezy A320 series now a thirty-year-old design. I’ve heard a lot of arguments about Boeing vs Airbus but sweaty armpits is a new one. One thing I’ve noticed over the years is many pilots have lost that “Naval Aviator” physique. Could it be?

    • Do you fly a 737? The cockpits may be the same shape as in the 60’s but the instruments are not. EICAS, though nice, is not needed to safely fly an aircraft.

  2. Jim, They will eventually stretch the next 737 Max 20 neo neo into a pseudo 757.

    Boeing has made a lot of money threading a narrow path through FAA regs and Southwest Airlines corporate single model fleet mandate.

    Anyone, look-up a pick of a 737-100 verses 737 MAX.

  3. Congress should never have passed that exemption for Boeing to the new certification rules. Just goes to show how much Congress cares about passenger and crew safety.

  4. Or, maybe the FAA should have allowed a path to putting CAS in the 737 without requiring a new type rating. I’ve never had a problem with keeping cool in the cockpit of a 73.