On The Fly…

Steve Fossett last week flew GlobalFlyer 25,000 miles in about 74 hours…RV-6 pilot set to begin cancer research fund raising circumnavigation…Concorde fans hope to restore one of the aircraft to flight status.

Steve Fossett says he broke Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager's record for the greatest distance flown taking and landing off in the same spot on Friday. Fossett landed GlobalFlyer back at Salina, Kan., after a 74-hour spin around the world that he says covered more than 25,000 miles and outdistanced the old record by about 400 miles...

A British pilot is also seeking a circumnavigation record by flying an RV-6 around the world in 23 days. Manuel Queiroz is also raising funds for cancer research and was last reported waiting out weather in Hawaii...

British Concorde enthusiasts are hoping to revive interest in their mission to restore one of the airliners to flight after Britons voted the supersonic plane as the country's greatest design icon in a nationwide contest.