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COLUMNS Motor Head 7: Are We Making It Harder Than It Needs To Be?For many years, FADEC electronic engine systems have been like glass cockpits in the low end of GA: just over the horizon. Well, glass is here, but FADEC is still not available in mainstream, certified aircraft. AVweb’s Marc Cook has some thoughts about why that is, and why he still hasn’t tried it, in this month’s Motor Head column. ____ATIS Anti-Airport ActivismNo matter what you say about politicians, you have to admit they can make live really tough on pilots and airports when they only listen to the voices of the anti-airplane and anti-airport crowd. A city councilman and pilot from Arizona offers suggestions on how to work with the people who make local decisions about your airport.
Motor Head 7: Are We Making It Harder Than It Needs To Be?
For many years, FADEC electronic engine systems have been like glass cockpits in the low end of GA: just over the horizon. Well, glass is here, but FADEC is still not available in mainstream, certified aircraft. AVweb's Marc Cook has some thoughts about why that is, and why he still hasn't tried it, in this month's Motor Head column.
Anti-Airport Activism
No matter what you say about politicians, you have to admit they can make live really tough on pilots and airports when they only listen to the voices of the anti-airplane and anti-airport crowd. A city councilman and pilot from Arizona offers suggestions on how to work with the people who make local decisions about your airport.