New Articles and Features on AVweb

PROBABLE CAUSE Probable Cause #3: Trapped On TopThere are some among us who like to tempt fate by skirting the rules. But a Bonanza pilot who did that got more than he bargained for, as this report of Probable Cause explains. This report first appeared in AVweb’s sister publication, IFR Refresher. _____________WHAT’S NEW What’s New for AprilThis month AVweb’s survey of the latest products and services for pilots, mechanics and aircraft owners brings you a water-repellant glass treatment, window locks, an IFR communications DVD and much more.

Probable Cause #3: Trapped On Top
There are some among us who like to tempt fate by skirting the rules. But a Bonanza pilot who did that got more than he bargained for, as this report of Probable Cause explains. This report first appeared in AVweb's sister publication, IFR Refresher.

What's New for April
This month AVweb's survey of the latest products and services for pilots, mechanics and aircraft owners brings you a water-repellant glass treatment, window locks, an IFR communications DVD and much more.