Cirrus Design SR-20 Closing on Certification
AVweb continues its coverage of EAA AirVenture 1998 … .

Cirrus Design of Duluth, MN announced today at Oshkoshthat they have completed the FAA-required airframe parachute deploymenttests. These tests have proven to the FAA that the airplane iscapable of being dropped safely to the earth at about 26 fps fromlow speeds, high speeds and even spins. The unique parachute recoverysystem, developed for Cirrus by BRS Parachutes, is the first toallow a pilot to deploy a large parachute in flight to save theoccupants. The aircraft, according to the company would most probablybe destroyed.
Cirrus president, Alan Klapmeier told the packedcrowd outside Exhibit Building B that they had hoped to have allFAA certification testing done by now, but they are "downto the short list" of required testing including tests forthe high impact seat. With 195 non-refundable deposits in hand,the company is trying to finish the conformity testing, to showthe FAA that their aircraft conforms with their test data, thenthey must finish the required paperwork, and obtain a productioncertificate to manufacture the aircraft. If these hurdles canbe cleared, the customers would get their airplanes by "theend of the year" according to Klapmeier.
With all the hoopla and questions about the parachuterecovery system, it was hard to remember that the slick, compositeCirrus SR20 will be a high performance single engine fixed-gearairplane, offering the owner a comfortable cabin, a truly moderninstrument panel complete with an ARNAV ICDS Multi-Function displayfor GPS moving map, engine monitoring, flight planning and checklist.The aircraft will be equipped with side-sticks, single lever powercontrols, and large windows for excellent visibility, especiallyfor rear seat passengers. With its Continental 200hp IO-360, cruisespeed is projected to be 160 knots on 10.4 GPS, and a gross weightclimb rate of 1000FPM. Stall speed is published at 54 knots, allowinglanding distances of 1500 feet over a 50 foot obstacle.
The current price for the fully IFR equipped CirrusSR20 is $168,800.
Cirrus Design also announced financing and leasingpackages for the SR20 through a newly formed subsidiary, CirrusAircraft Finance. The company has teamed with Cambridge Leasingand MBNA to offer competitive financing for up to 90 percent ofthe purchase price of the aircraft for 20 years. Long and shortterm leasing options are also offered.