Question of the Week: Are Aircraft Engines Going Diesel?

Between new designs, new fuels, and better engineering, aircraft engines can be the most dynamic segment of the aviation business. Diesels have garnered a lot of attention lately, and we’d like to know whether you think this is a genuine shift in thinking or just a fad. Plus: Did AVweb readers see a future for air taxi operations when we asked them last week?


Last week, in the wake of DayJet's cutbacks, we asked AVweb readers whether air taxi services still have a bright future ahead.

A third of you said yes, but in a limited capacity, and nearly as many gave an unequivocal yes as your answer. It seems most of our audience still has high hopes for the air taxi industry ... .

For the complete breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)


Between new designs, new fuels, and better engineering, aircraft engines can be the most dynamic segment of the aviation business. Diesels have garnered a lot of attention lately, and we'd like to know whether you think this is a genuine shift in thinking or just a fad.

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