Question of the Week: Flight School Security – What’s Appropriate?

The theft of a Cessna 172 from Thunder Bay has reignited the debate over security at flight schools. This week, we’d like to hear your opinion on what constitutes good security measures at a flight school. Plus: Is the economic storm raining on your air show plans? Last week, we asked AVweb readers how many aviation events they will attend this season, compared to 2008. Click through to see what they told us.


Is the economic storm raining on your air show plans? Last week, we asked AVweb readers how many aviation events they will attend this season, compared to 2008.

Turns out, a good many of you (49% of those who responded to our poll) are planning on attending the same number of shows as always.

For a complete (real-time) breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)


The theft of a Cessna 172 from Thunder Bay has reignited the debate over security at flight schools. This week, we'd like to hear your opinion on what constitutes good security measures at a flight school.

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