Question of the Week: How Much Specialization Is Too Much?
This week, the FAA said it wants to create separate training regimens for tower and radar controllers, and the Air Force said its next batch of UAV pilots won’t have actual flying experience. AVweb wonders if this kind of specialization is a good idea and wants to hear what you think. Plus: Find out what AVweb readers said about the TSA’s latest security NPRM in response to last week’s Question.
Last week, we asked about the TSA's proposed Large Aircraft Security Program rule.
A full 52% of readers who took time to participate in our poll told us this was the tip of the iceberg for regulations that will kill GA as we know it. At the other end of the spectrum, on only five of you (!) called it a reasonable rule. (Although another 17 readers called it mostly reasonable.)
For a complete (real-time) breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)
This week, the FAA said it wants to create separate training regimens for tower and radar controllers, and the Air Force said its next batch of UAV pilots won't have actual flying experience. AVweb wonders if this kind of specialization is a good idea.
Should aviation training be job-specific?
(click to answer)
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