An important part of the Aviation Consumer magazine Used Aircraft Report monthly feature is the accident scan section. For any used model, a look at the most recent 100 wrecks that make the NTSB database is the same as it’s been for years: Pilots are wrecking aircraft for the same reasons they always have. We know that many of these wrecks might have been avoided with better maintenance, better training, better judgment and simply by buying the right airplane in the first place.

Larry Anglisano
Larry Anglisano is a regular AVweb contributor and the Editor in Chief of sister publication Aviation Consumer magazine. He's an active land, sea and glider pilot, and has over 30 years experience as an avionics tech.


  1. The stark contrast between the 121 accident rate and GA is not just due to currency requirements as you correctly highlighted. It’s also due to the strict maintenance regime embedded in 121 (and 135 when done meticulously), observance of fuel requirements/monitoring, relentless checklist discipline, sterile cockpit rule, and hyper-targeted operational specifications. I applied all these principles when I was a 135 check airman/chief pilot, and continue to do so on myself and my own airplane today.
    A personal focus that could be applied more broadly to GA, and especially to backcountry flying is personal safety equipment. I wear a helmet, fire-retardant nomex suit, and a vest containing a PLB, laser flare, tourniquet, battle dressing, and other safety gear. I don this not cool looking but functional garb for every flight, whether in the pattern or on coast-to-coast flights. My guiding principle is to dress for the mission — not like I do to stretch out on the couch at home. This equipment could save my skin and brain housing, especially in the event of a landing accident.
    There are innumerable safety measures the GA pilot can implement. A drive to constantly evaluate where we stand and to identify vulnerabilities is critical.

  2. I had to watch a movie while going through USAF pilot training almost 50 years ago that pretty much sums up all that you’ve said in its title, “Dress for Egress.” It’s wonderful advice. Another movie title I’ve never forgotten, “Unload for Control.” Say what you want about military training videos but those two were spot on.