Short Final
My daughter and I flew back from AirVenture on the last day of the show. While flying over eastern Iowa and monitoring 122.80 we heard the following conversation that we assumed was between a couple of crop dusters … Pilot 1: “Hey XXX did you make it to Oshkosh this year? … Pilot 2: “Yeah, we got over there on Tuesday. The weather was perfect! … Pilot 1: “Yeah, I was talking to YYY and he said he had so much fun there that if he died and went to heaven it would be a lateral move!”
My daughter and I flew back from AirVenture on the last day of the show. While flying over Eastern Iowa and monitoring 122.80 we heard the following conversation that we assumed was between a couple of crop dusters:
Pilot 1: "Hey XXX did you make it to Oshkosh this year?"
Pilot 2: "Yeah, we got over there on Tuesday. The weather was perfect!"
Pilot 1: "Yeah, I was talking to YYY' and he said he 'had so much fun there that if he died and went to heaven it would be a lateral move!"
Tom Lynch

Editorial StaffAVweb
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