…And An Uncertain Bottom Line

It is a possibility that Congress could decide to appropriate zero funding for GA, despite the provisions of the reauthorization bill. The upside (no, not really) is that decision would maintain the perfect zero-funding record held by all other GA relief bills that have wandered in and out of Congress for the past two years, but have so far produced no cash in the pockets of business owners. The only assistance forthcoming to GA businesses has been through the Small Business Administration, which offers loans for up to $1.5 million, with terms of up to 30 years at 4 percent, for businesses hurt by the terrorist attacks and aftermath. With the federal deficit inching toward a record half-trillion dollars, prospects for change anytime soon seem remote.

It is a possibility that Congress could decide to appropriate zero funding for GA, despite the provisions of the reauthorization bill. The upside (no, not really) is that decision would maintain the perfect zero-funding record held by all other GA relief bills that have wandered in and out of Congress for the past two years, but have so far produced no cash in the pockets of business owners. The only assistance forthcoming to GA businesses has been through the Small Business Administration, which offers loans for up to $1.5 million, with terms of up to 30 years at 4 percent, for businesses hurt by the terrorist attacks and aftermath. With the federal deficit inching toward a record half-trillion dollars, prospects for change anytime soon seem remote.