There are plenty of first solo videos out there but Sling Pilot Academy did a particularly good job of chronicling this student’s big day.


  1. This is fantastic! I wish my first solo landings was anywhere near as nice as hers were. I love hearing her comments to herself, and her reminders (on final “airspeed – alignment – airspeed – alignment”) – seems like she has had some great instruction. She’s obviously a great student.

    • Yep. I was nowhere near this capable. Video is great. I asked my instructor to video my first solo in a beat-up 172 at Hollister airport (California) in 1997. At the same time I was rolling down the runway, a real WWII Spitfire pulled out of the hanger and started up next to my instructor and that was what he filmed. I have awesome video. But not of my solo.

  2. Couldn’t have asked for a more confusing tail number for a first solo! 29’s Juliets — incredible radio work for a noob. Very well produced. Enjoyed watching.

  3. Great to see a positive and optimistic news item and new young recruit to the skies! Well done to all concerned. (Maybe that GPWS needs some recalibration though.)

  4. Great job! I wish I was as composed on my first solo! All three landings were great! Good radio management… Good checklist references. Congrats!!