Will 4G Jam Your GPS?
A plan to put up 40,000 broadband transmitters across the U.S. has the GPS industry worried that interference from the signals could make popular navigation units go black. Jeff Carlisle, VP of regulatory affairs for LightSquared, the company planning the broadband network, told AVweb it’s too early to know what GPS devices might be affected and that his company is committed to working with the GPS industry to mitigate the effect. This podcast is brought to you by Bose Corporation.
A plan to put up 40,000 broadband transmitters across the U.S. has the GPS industry worried that interference from the signals could make popular navigation units go black. Jeff Carlisle, VP of regulatory affairs for LightSquared, the company planning the broadband network, told AVweb it's too early to know what GPS devices might be affected and that his company is committed to working with the GPS industry to mitigate the effect.
This podcast is brought to you by Bose Corporation.
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