C-47 First Flight To Be Webcast

The C-47 that led the Allied invasion into France on D-Day in 1944 is scheduled to fly for the first time in 10 years on Wednesday, Jan. 31, and the flight will be webcast live. The airplane, named Thats All, Brother, had been abandoned in a Wisconsin junkyard, till it was found by the Commemorative Air Force. Historian Matt Scales uncovered the airplanes history, and the CAF led a fundraising effort to restore the airplane to flying condition.

The C-47 that led the Allied invasion into France on D-Day in 1944 is scheduled to fly for the first time in 10 years on Wednesday, Jan.31, and the flight will be webcast live. The airplane, named That's All, Brother, had been abandoned in a Wisconsin junkyard, till it was found by the Commemorative Air Force. Historian Matt Scales uncovered the airplane's history, and the CAF led a fundraising effort to restore the airplane to flying condition. "We estimate that we have put more than 22,000 hours into this restoration project so far," said CAF President Bob Stenevik in a news release this week. "The aircraft, once flying, will become a valuable tool for our organization, helping to tell the story of D-Day and the great efforts and sacrifices made on the shores of Normandy."

After the initial flight tests,That's All, Brotherwill be flown to its new base in San Marcos, Texas. Volunteers with the CAF Central Texas Wing will complete the interior and detail work and will maintain the aircraft. They also will restore the aircraft exterior to its 1944 appearance. In June 2019, the airplane will participate in a commemoration of the 75th anniversary of D-Day, flying along with several other WWII aircraft across the Atlantic to England, and on to Normandy. Live footage of the first flight is set to be broadcast via Facebook onWednesday, at 1 p.m. CST. The flight is subject to maintenance and weather, so the date or time could be adjusted. Updates and video will be posted at the "That's All, Brother" Facebook page.