FAA Flight Plan Open For Comment

The FAA has posted its 2009-2013 Flight Plan online, and will accept comments on it until August 22. The plan details the agency’s strategy to meet goals such as deploying NextGen airspace technology, and improving safety. The plan sets a goal to reduce general aviation accidents by 10 percent by 2018, by providing better cockpit technology, more WAAS approaches, and improved Flight Service Station services. A special target for Alaska aims to reduce accidents in GA and Part 135 ops from the 2000-2002 average of 130 per year down to 99 or less. The FAA plan also sets a goal to develop policies and approval processes to enable the operation of unmanned aircraft systems. Reducing runway incursions is an objective, as well as ensuring the safety of commercial space launches — although the FAA’s goal is to ensure “no fatalities, serious injuries, or significant property damage to the uninvolved public” during space flight activities. Those who participate in such activities clearly must assess their own risks. (Click through for links to the Flight Plan draft and comments page.)

The FAA has posted its 2009-2013 Flight Plan online, and will accept comments on it until August 22. The plan details the agency's strategy to meet goals such as deploying NextGen airspace technology, and improving safety. The plan sets a goal to reduce general aviation accidents by 10 percent by 2018, by providing better cockpit technology, more WAAS approaches, and improved Flight Service Station services. A special target for Alaska aims to reduce accidents in GA and Part 135 ops from the 2000-2002 average of 130 per year down to 99 or less. The FAA plan also sets a goal to develop policies and approval processes to enable the operation of unmanned aircraft systems. Reducing runway incursions is an objective, as well as ensuring the safety of commercial space launches -- although the FAA's goal is to ensure "no fatalities, serious injuries, or significant property damage to the uninvolved public" during space flight activities. Those who participate in such activities clearly must assess their own risks.