Fiddling Around America: Round Engines, Big Formations

The wake-up call of choice for those attending the annual Red Star Pilots Association fly-in at Gaston’s White River Resort in northern Arkansas is the sound of round engines turning for a flight in the dead-still 6 a.m. air. About 20 Nan Changs and Yaks converged on the picturesque resort where the patrons are usually sinking lures for Rainbow Trout instead of boring holes in the sky. The Herpa DC-3 is a major player in the flying, leading a 13-ship formation through the Ozark foothills that demands plenty of the pilots. There were lots of low passes on the 3,200-foot grass strip and the hundreds of residents of neighboring towns who turned out to see the sights were thrilled with the GA spectacle.

The wake-up call of choice for those attending the annual Red Star Pilots Association fly-in at Gaston's White River Resort in northern Arkansas is the sound of round engines turning for a flight in the dead-still 6 a.m. air. About 20 Nan Changs and Yaks converged on the picturesque resort where the patrons are usually sinking lures for Rainbow Trout instead of boring holes in the sky. The Herpa DC-3 is a major player in the flying, leading a 13-ship formation through the Ozark foothills that demands plenty of the pilots. There were lots of low passes on the 3,200-foot grass strip and the hundreds of residents of neighboring towns who turned out to see the sights were thrilled with the GA spectacle.