Night Vision Goggles Certified for Queensland Emergency Team
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has made its move in Australia to allow the Queensland Government’s “Emergency Management Queensland” (EMQ) to become the first operator certified to use night vision goggles. EMQ provides emergency services via helicopter and frequently flies high-priority missions to night landings in rural areas or at accident sites. Previously relying on “night sun” search lights, “It’s a huge safety enhancement for landing in unsurveyed areas,” EMQ chief pilot Trevor Wilson told
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has made its move in Australia to allow the Queensland Government's "Emergency Management Queensland" (EMQ) to become the first operator certified to use night vision goggles. EMQ provides emergency services via helicopter and frequently flies high-priority missions to night landings in rural areas or at accident sites. Previously relying on "night sun" search lights, "It's a huge safety enhancement for landing in unsurveyed areas," EMQ chief pilot Trevor Wilson told
"It also demonstrates CASA's potential for safety innovation by positive engagement with the industry," he said. Aside from the obvious safety enhancements for the crews, the new enhanced vision capabilities will make night searches both on land and sea dramatically more effective, adding a much-valued ability to crews flying over a wide range and sparsely populated areas.