Sikorsky Plans For The Future
Sikorsky sees overcapacity in the helicopter sector and is interested in consolidation with other players, President Dean Borgman recently told Reuters. To date, the helicopter industry has not seen the move to consolidate, which remains a five-way race with Sikorsky, EADS’s Eurocopter and Textron Inc.’s Bell Helicopter leading the top three spots. Borgman also hopes to land a deal to supply the White House with a new presidential helicopter model, as it would help Sikorsky boost sales of its new S-92 model used as the framework for this project.

Ponders Sector Consolidation ...
Sikorsky sees overcapacity in the helicopter sector and is interested in consolidation with other players, President Dean Borgman recently told Reuters."We'd be interested in consolidating," Borgman said in an interview at the Paris Air Show. "I think there's overcapacity in the industry and I think eventually there will be some consolidation."To date, the helicopter industry has not seen the move to consolidate, which remains a five-way race with Sikorsky, EADS's Eurocopter and Textron Inc.'s Bell Helicopter leading the top three spots.
... While Promoting The S-92
Borgman hopes to land a deal to supply the White House with a new presidential helicopter model, as it would help Sikorsky boost sales of its new S-92 model used as the framework for this project.The new helicopter can also be configured to carry VIPs and transport workers to offshore oil rigs. Sikorsky expects to sell "several hundred" of the two models and reportedly has orders from two companies already while it is also pursuing talks with "about ten" governments as well as VIP customers, a company official told Reuters.